Brent Hall
Sr Vice President - AFG
As the CEO of Pinnacle, Brent Hall is primarily responsible for the long-term development and profitability of the company. This function is performed through the establishment of overall corporate goals and focusing on the strategic direction of the company.
Prior to starting Pinnacle in January 2000, Brent was the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for T&W Financial, a position which he held from January 1999 to January 2000. Prior to that, he was Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions for First Sierra Financial, Inc. from May 1997 until January 1999, where he was responsible for the acquisition and assimilation of more than 14 leasing companies. Brent was the Vice President of Administration for Heritage Credit Services, Inc. where he was responsible for all daily operations including finance and accounting. He was with the company from August 1990 until its acquisition/IPO by First Sierra Financial, Inc. in May 1997.
Brent received his Bachelor of Arts from University of California in 1990. As the current President of the National Equipment Finance Association (NEFA), Brent is also a Certified Lease Professional (CLP) and a past board member of the CLP Foundation.
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